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Is Flutter Web Stable?

Yes it is, and there are more things coming

Posted on:July 21, 2023
3 minutes

In this post, I’d like to point out some reasons to invest in Flutter and trust its stability as a web application-building framework.

The reason most people still ask this question can often be answered by them not knowing the difference between a website and a web application.

Flutter Web is definitely stable, and there are even more improvements on the way.

In this post, I want to dive into:

My hope is that you’ll be able to make a better decision on your technical choice when it comes to investing in Flutter Web.

Stability status of Flutter

Flutter Web was announced as stable when Flutter 2 was released in March 2021. This means that it’s been stable for over 2 years to date, and a lot of improvements have been made:

With these types of features, the functionality and usage of Flutter expands from the basic form-based web application to something much more interactive.

Companies using Flutter

The proof is in the pudding, there’s a reason apps that are highly interactive are using Flutter to build their web apps. Not only is it awesome to use, but they will all get desktop applications with much less effort. Here are some projects I like using Flutter:

Besides those, there are other large companies invested in Flutter:

Upcoming improvements

In addition to the features mentioned above, there are many improvements expected in Flutter that will make the performance even better than expected.

There are a lot more coming, but these 2 I’m the most excited about. It shows the direction Flutter is heading as the Framework grows. These features and additional new tools like Shorebird of Theta will make for a great environment where teams can build great products.

If you’re interested in learning how to build production Flutter Web applications, you can check out my Flutter web course where I share my production solutions for form building, responsive UI, remote logging, and environment setups.

See you again next week.

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